Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Prayer Book

I have been feeling a huge calling to prayer recently. I think that prayer is essential and important in any christians life, but some times I go through seasons of being more desperate in my prayer life and God becomes more real in it. Now is one of those times.

Yesterday I made myself a prayer book and dedicated a page in it to most people I know and wrote down all of the prayer needs I could think of. I am gradually making my way through it and will use it in the future for when I'm not feeling so inspired to pray.

Now I just need a pretty cover for it :)

4 YEARS LATER EDIT:: Writing this in 2014, I recently found this book and went through it, only to discover that prayer had been answered!!! Thank you God! 


  1. Such an awesome idea - I have made these now and then and it's great to have a refreshing tool for prayer!

  2. Beautiful. Prayer is so powerful. I just love reading about others having a strong passion for praying. I wish there were moreeee people that felt like this!


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