Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dear Baby, Week 23 Update

Current weight: 65.3kgs (up 0 kgs since last week)

Total weight gained: 0.30 kgs (original weight: 65 kgs)

Babys growth this week: Average length from head to bum is 20cm, She weighs approximately half a kg and will double in size and weight in the next month. She has a lot more skin than fat, and will be filling out over the next four weeks (so i'm allowed a few peanut slabs ;))

Times I have vomited this week: 3

Thoughts this week: I read in a book this week that I can start playing games with our baby to encourage its muscles and brain development. One way to do this is whenever I feel a good kick, to press on the opposite side of my tummy and say "kick baby kick". Over time and repitition, the baby apparently learns the game and will kick you in the hand. Then you are to move to another area and say they same thing, and she should learn to kick you there too.

Doesn't that just blow your mind? It seriously blows mine. To say that fetuses aren't 'real' or 'human' before birth is just ludicrous to me now. If anything were to happen to her, she is my baby and my child. I would grieve just the same as if she had been born and had taken her first breath. 

(photo taken at Amies baby shower, just before I conceived, I'm pretty much this size now)

Dear Baby Girl,

I wish we had a name for you, we have some really great ideas and I love them, but how do we pick the greatest one that you'll love when you're older? I keep saying them out loud to you, hoping you'll give me a massive boot and then "i'll know" what we should call you. Any thoughts?

I started to read the bible out loud to you this week. Books have been telling me that you relate really easily to my emotions, so I have been trying to make the bible sound exciting, haha, hopefully you will love it when you're older. I've also started to play a game with you whenever you give me a good kick. So far you haven't caught on to our game yet, but if you're anything like your Dad you will soon.

A lady from our Church is throwing us a baby shower this weekend for you, Baby Bruce and Baby Lucy. You're all going to be born within 3 months of each other (you babies are going to take over the hearts of everyone at C3!) Can't you tell that we are all excited to meet you? We are already having parties in your honour! I'm looking forward to it, and am so glad I have such an amazing reason to celebrate. It's also your Dads 25th birthday, he's going away for a boys weekend, and it's mothers day! Your Nana and great Nana will be in Christchurch for it, and they will get to see my bump properly for the first time. 

Well little one, thats it for another week, only 17 more to go and I couldn't be more excited! Keep growing little one, you impress me and amaze me every single day. 

Much love,
Momma xx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sophie, thanks for visiting my blog. Hopefully you can come to our next chch bloggers catch up. Pregnancy - exciting but hard work all at the same time!


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