Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dear Baby, 20 Weeks Update

Dear MissyMoo,

You are half way done baking and time is flying! Soon you will be here in our arms, and soon you will be running around a playground, before we know it you will be all grown up and having your own children, just like me.

I am treasuring this time that you are inside me so much. Really, the thought of it is so strange, I can feel you moving all the time and sometimes it blows my mind. Last night when we were trying to sleep it felt like you were doing cartwheels, or somehow you have learnt martial arts. I kept feeling you kick and punch in all different directions. You are such a strong and active girl!!

Right now, I think you are Gods little girl. You are ours, but you are His too. He's with you right now, growing you and looking after us both. I pray for you everyday so you will know His love and love Him back. Through this 20 week journey so far the main thing I have learnt is how little control we have, and how much God has. I trust him for our lives and am thankful for each and everyday with you.

See you soon little one x

(16 weeks on the QLD border)

Current weight: 62.4 kgs

Total weight gained: - 2.6 kgs (original weight: 65 kgs)

Thoughts this week: Half way!! Hoorah! Time goes slowly but so quickly at the same time. I know the rest of the time will fly, and before we know it we will have a sweet baby girl in our family! I am feeling especially emotional this week, tears come to my eyes far too quickly and I am finding myself being offended by the slightest comment, or overwhelmed with joy and love at the drop of a hat. On Saturday I had a scary breakdown because I wanted to go for a drive and get raspberry licqorice at 9pm. That involved an 'ugly' cry. I'm not really sure how Graeme does it, but he is the best at handling out of control hormones. 

Babys growth this week: Average length from head to bum is 16cm, currently working on covering its skin in oil and fat to protect itself and also fusing its spine together.

Times I have vomited this week: 8

I've never really experience the NZ health system properly (thank God!). I have been to my GP a lot, had head stitches and a fractured wrist when I was 9, and went to the emergency room this year for a bad ear infection. That's about the extent of it. 

But so far, boy oh boy am I impressed with the level of care I have received so far through this pregnancy! I have had 1 doctors appointment, 3 midwives appointments, 2 prescriptions, 2 ultrasounds (and a third one next week), and really feel like I have received the best possible care in all situations and I haven't paid a dime. Thank you NZ health system! :)


  1. GAH! Sophie!! You ARE preggers!! I briefly read a previous post and wondered but didn't have a chance to comment... now it's obvious! CONGRATS to you and hubby! Looks like things are going really well and you're enjoying it. So happy for you and even more excited that you're having a girl! YAY! (get ready for drama hahah)
    You came to Australia for a holiday? Any more pics?
    take care xoxo

  2. hehe thanks Jacinta! I have felt pretty blog-un-spired lately so haven't really posted much about it, and now that I think about it, forgot to announce its gender! Or even announce her! Doh.

    We went to brisbane and the GC for 7 days a few weeks ago, to visit family and have a holiday, it was WONDERFUL. I should probably do a post on that too and put up our photos! haha!

  3. Hey Soph,

    Just wondering because that's some awesome health care. How expensive is it? Meaning how much do you pay for all that. I was just curious. I just wanted to compare it to our health care here in the states. Hope all is well though. Can't wait to see pictures of her when she's here.


  4. Hey Britt - I replied on your facebook incase you dont see this, but for blogging record - when I say its all free I mean its all free.

    I dont have to pay a cent unless I need to see a specialist. The appointments, scans, birth, hospital stay - everything is free when its related to pregnancy for a NZ citizen or permanent resident! :) Hoorah! :)

  5. Praise God for awesome free maternity care aye... We are blessed in NZ...

    Sounds like you are doing awesome Sophie! Enjoy every little movement inside your tum... You will miss that!



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