Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Baby Moon Bedroom

Welcome to the Baby Moon Bedroom!

At the weekend we swapped our bedrooms around and upgraded to biggest bedroom in our house! We're hoping that the extra space and distance from Millas bedroom would be suitable to house a crying newborn in the night. Our toddler is a light sleeper! (fun fact: Milla was born in this room!)

So far she's handled the change of bedrooms perfectly. As I've mentioned we put up fairy lights in the lounge that are set on a timer to be lit from 6-8am. This works perfectly, Milla wakes up and sees the light and heads towards the lounge. Eventually after a little play she will come down and see us at the other end of the hallway. Perfect! (I'm also hoping the fairy lights will create a nice atmosphere for birthing in the lounge)

With the addition of the made up basinet, newborn clothes all washed and folded in a box (currently perching inside the basinet), a Kindness Quilt, newborn - celebration bunting and brand new pillows for night time feeds, I am feeling very well set up in our bedroom for our baby moon! 


  1. I love the bunting! Very pretty!!!! Your home looks so snuggly :)

  2. Love the bunting and the quilt - perfect additions to a "babymoon" bedroom!

  3. so sweet! i especially love the garland over the bed. :)

  4. Looks lovely and welcoming for the wee one. Enjoy the baby moon!

  5. I'm so glad you've got this set-up for this time! SO GLAD!

  6. LOVE the quilt!!! Just read the back story - naww .. love quilts :-)


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