I share my blog publicly with a lot of people who I know in regular day to day life. They often ask me questions about my blog and my life so I thought I would compose a Frequently Asked Questions post to satisfy those who aren't so brave to ask me :)

Why the name Sophie Slim?
My initials are SLM. Before I was getting married my sister and I joked about names we could make with my new initials. We came up with Slim, Psalm, Slam. I thought Sophie Slim had a nice ring to it. It has absolutely nothing to do with my figure.

Why "Pretty Young Thing"?
My previous blog was called Pretty Young Thing. I love Michael Jackson and I thought they were great lyrics from a catchy song. I would love to stay young and youthful. I like the idea of being a pretty young thing :)

Do you mind me reading you blog?
I have always had an online blog. Previously it had always been private or just shared with a few select friends. The past fews years I have made it public. Some posts are more personal than others, but I only post what I am comfortable sharing with the world. There are still many things that I don't blog about because I consider them too personal. 

Do you mind me asking about things on your blog in person?
Not at all, infact I usually get taken aback when people mention my blog in person. I forget that people read it and take an interest. I am always surprised by who reads it. The most unlikely people do! 

Do you and Graeme have a perfect marriage?
I love Graeme with all my heart but keep in mind that I am a sinner, and so is he. Some times we hurt each other which makes for a less than perfect marriage. I am a hopeless romantic who likes to have hope in all situations but that does not mean I don't live in reality. The reality that every marriage takes a heck of a lot of work. Any successful (loving) older couple that you meet has had a whole range of challenges and I say good on them for persevering and loving in all situations! Graeme and I take each day as a new one and are constantly having to forgive each other and express our love in new and creative ways. Its a beautiful thing, really.

What do you do all day?
Most days I spend 90% of the day taking care of Camilla and our household, if I get some spare time I go for a walk, or I try to create. I knit, crochet, write letters, paint, blog, pray and read. Other days I try and visit non working friends too, or have coffee with beautiful girls from Church. Its a great life really, and I am super lucky that I am able to do it right now and my husband supports us both. I try and thank him for working most days.

How long have you been Christian?
I think it has been 6 years now. It may seem hard to believe but I used to be a very very different person. I was angry, full of hurt and angst and didn't have any hope in the world. I got to a point where I was at the end of myself and had nothing left to live for. God literally saved my life and gave me a reason to live. That day I saw many miracles and put my hope in God. I still think back to those moments and thank God for all he has done in my life since then. I am a completely different person and because of all that God has done in my life I find it easy to have hope and faith in Him, He has proven that he is a much better Saviour than anything else I tried.

As I think of more questions that people ask me I will put them up. Please let me know if you have any more that I haven't included!

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