Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Press Summer Starter

A few weeks ago MrMoo and I walked 10km in The Press Summer Starter.

I was a bit dubious going into a "fun run". Running / dodging scooters and prams is not fun.

I really wanted to ace the training for this, since I only trained for 2 weeks leading up to a 14km at the beginning of the year which I ran alright in. I wanted to see with proper training what I was capable of!

Unfortunately. Life. That thing that gets in the way of good intentions. Sickness, busyness, holidays. Training was put on a hold and a week before the event we re-assessed our goals and decided to go into aiming to have fun and spending some time together.

We borrowed an extra buggy so we could both push the girls, went for a quick walk the night before the event and that was about all the preparation we had! Oops.

[[That's MrMoo there with the buggy. What a hottie.]]

And you know what? It was actually FUN!

The organisers had a different live music station every 1km, and on most of the lampposts inspirational messages. There was selfie stations and dog water bowls along the way. The girls sat happily the whole way. It was a great atmosphere!

And then we hit the bagpipes about 2km in played by two young boys.

Bagpipes man. Back in my home town they are played at nearly every funeral. I cant shake a feeling of emotion and grief when I hear them, and from that point on I had a lump in my throat as I walked the course.

I felt like crying nearly the whole way, there was just so much emotion around, walking next to my fellow cantabrians, down broken streets with joyful families waving us on in their dressing gowns. *gulp*

Surprisingly, I have continued to exercise following the summer starter, I have been for a few walks and runs since, and I hope to work on my fitness and strength over the summer time too.

It feels good to move, to release the days stress, to work my lungs and feel my muscles stretch. My body and mind feels much better for it.

Thanks Press for putting on such a great event!!

1 comment:

  1. Great event - and so glad to see you had fun as a family! Fitness is great, but as you say, liufe can get in the way!!


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