Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Learning Peace

Learning Peace

art sourced here

I've struggled with this one. I really want to be a person of peace. I want to be calm, relaxed, and at peace with others, the world and myself. I want to internally know and believe everything will be okay, and for the most part, I do have those feelings and thoughts on the inside. I think I am a generally peaceful person. Some times I stress, I worry, I get upset, I take things the wrong way, but I would like to think that most of the time I am at peace.

I love that if you are a peaceful person you can sow peace into other peoples lives. As a peacemaker you can be a beacon of peace and stability, speaking wisdom and control when everything else seems disordered and unruly.

James 3:18 Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness

I love that in the bible Jesus says that he leaves us with peace and he gives us peace. He encourages us to not let our hearts be troubled and to not be afraid (John 14:27).  

Some people are so troubled and afraid. Peace is a gift. Like all good gifts, we can choose to accept it. Like all good gifts, we can choose to use it. 

As I grow older I want to use peace more and more. I have the ability to be a peacemaker and to exercise that gift amongst my family, friends and community. Some people just like to stir up trouble, some people are stubborn and like to provoke. I would much rather be an intentional peacemaker. 

Wouldn't you?


  1. I love your post. It's not always easy to be a peacemaker ... but by making the effort, we do help the make the world a better place. The world is often full of chaos and we need peace to balance ourselves out . Thanks for sharing.

  2. hey this picture looks awesome,is it okay if i print this on my shirt? screen printing is my hobby.. wish i could get your approval before i use it..it takes a hardwork and skill to do this kind of stuff its cool so i ask for permission first :)


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