Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mr. and Mrs. Moo Pillowcases

In January MrMoo and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary. We follow the traditional gift themes, the 4th year being linen / flowers and fruits. I gave MrMoo a new shirt and he printed a picture of His and Hers pillowcases, vowing to give them to me when he was more organised.

Months passed...


I took the picture off my fridge and just decided to make them myself. I gathered what I needed before Baby and stored it away, knowing full well that once I had a new snuggly baby I would just need to create. I wasn't wrong. Just like with my last baby I had an overwhelming urge to create and achieve. On days when it seems like nothing gets done its nice to know you can finish something.

So here are our Mr and Mrs Moo pillowcases! Happy anniversary to us!

Is it a little self centered that we have our nicknames on our pillows? Please don't judge us! Ha!

I actually really loved making these. The font, the black and white, the clean lines. Tracing the words, ironing them on, stitching around them - every part of the process was so pleasing to me!

If you want some pillows like this and can't do them yourself just email me! :)

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