The city to surf is tomorrow. I'm struggling between wanting to kick it's ass and being totally depressed because I know I can't.
I ran 10km last night, my longest so far and had that been the race I would have been very proud of myself, somehow I need to pull another 4km out of my aching ankles and pumping heart.
But man. How good does it feel to have. Body that MOVES. It feels so good.
As an aside, we're on our way to fill in a few hrs watching monkeys and feeding ducks at Willowbank until we go welcome my big Sis and her Beau at the airport!! (After a quick sign remake, the Maori I laws pointed out I had spelt haere mai wrong)
We just discovered the running course actually goes through our neighbourhood and training ground! Such a beautiful part of Christchurch!
See ya at the finish line?!
Sounds like a real challenge coming up! i am sure you will make it with the others around to inspire you on the day.