Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Good Intentions Tuesday

A week ago Miriam blogged about all of her "good intentions". She made a list, and this week she has been able to tick things off her list!

You know those good intentions... The things that sit on the to do list foreverrr, or that pile of things in the corner that need to be mended. Well, I have a bazillion of those and some how I just never manage to get around to doing them. "But you don't work! You stay home all day without kids!" I hear you screaming at me. This is true, and I'm not really sure where the time goes. I always manage to do things during the day but the things on my good intentions list never get done. They are boring jobs that require something of me. Something I need to purchase or pre plan. Gah. Therefore, they sit in the corner and wait. Some times late at night they whisper my name.

I want to get everything on my list completed within the next 8 weeks (before my due date) so I am on a mission! Stop back in on Tuesdays to see how I am going.

Clean out my craft cupboard - as you can see from the photos it is an absolute shambles.

Finish Camillas room and gather all of the things we need to take good care of her :) What you can see in the photos I have done in the last day, along with washing half of her clothes so its a great start so far!

Finish my Ripple Blanket, hopefully in time for my next midwife appointment. Every fortnight she asks me if I've finished it yet and every fortnight I have to admit that I haven't done any since I last saw her. My midwife is cool - she knits squares to be made into quilts for women in africa!

Crochet a sweet cowl neck scarf for myself

I have just started a scrap book for little Camilla and all of the letters I have written to her so far. I'm no scrapbooker so it is all very plain and simple but I thought this was best anyway. In 21 years scrapbooking will probably be "totally oldschool".

Finish the few books on my reading list. I wanted to collect all of the hard cover Narnia Chronicles before we had a child (and now we will soon!) After a few years of Graeme buying them for me on super special occasions (I got this last one for my last birthday and I still haven't finished it!) I only have 4 of them.

This has been a good intention for the past year. Use my wedding left overs (from 2.5 years ago) to make a concertina display for our shelf. I've had these ribbons and card sitting on our bookshelf for a year - it's time I did something with it!

In our move I found my old Ministry School exercise books with a few uncompleted assignments in them. I'd like to go back and do them just for fun and so I can finally put them away without them haunting me.

Finish my other cushion that is cut and ready to be sewn (still haven't purchased new needles to try out)

Also, I would like to make my own dishwash powder and laundry powder that is safe for my reusable nappies

Make some pretty pretty bunting for the little ones room with pretty pretty fabric that I have from Sew Pretty

Well there you have it, my dark closet has been opened to you. If you're doing this, link me up so I can read about your progress and hopefully you will inspire me!! :)


    1. I love that you're trying to get all this stuff done. LOVE it! I think that there's an extra incentive when a baby's on the way...and it's good feeling to do it. GOOD LUCK!

    2. That is a great LIST! I'm so gald you are joining in. Just having them out there makes me feel more determined! See you on Tuesday.

    3. This is a rad blog Sophie - you should check out Soap Nuts for a natural laundry powder, you can buy them from Piko, or they have a website: www.soapnuts.co.nz - the soap nuts are literally nuts from a tree, nothing added etc.

    4. Thanks for the link Kev! Checking them out now. Hope you and the family are doing well x


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