Monday, April 22, 2013

2012 Christmas

Christmas 2012

Unusually we were surrounded by little family this year. Often Christmas is quite a big affair in our homes but this year MrMoos brother and sister were in Australia and my sister was in London, my brother and his family were down south at the in-laws and my other brother at his in-laws as well. 

Just one of those years I suppose.

We celebrated on Christmas Eve-Eve at church with a family service at night complete with carols and glow sticks. I love the photos from the photo booth that they took of us. 

Yes, those antlers and hats were ours, and yes I took them along just so we could get a photo in them (I just realised you may have thought they were props. They weren't, we wore them all night!). 

Thankfully MrMoo doesn't mind dressing to my guidelines on such holidays :) 

Nativity. Christmas for us is about the birth of Jesus, our saving grace.

A Kiwi Christmas - lights on the tree and jandals on the floor. 

Christmas Morning - We got up and opened our presents together as a family. 

MrMoo and I both gave each other a little list at the beginning of the month with a few things on it that we would love for a certain amount of money. Christmas morning was still a pleasant surprise, and it meant there was no stress worrying about buying the right thing / budgeting for it.

I DIY'd this table and chair set for Milla for christmas and gave her crayons and paper to go with it. She loves it, and I love that what we gave her was practical and helpful as well as encouraging of learning. 

On Christmas day we spent time at both of our parents houses. Breakfast with the MooMoos, and an afternoon lunch at my Dads (that the MooMoos came to!). We went home that night and had friends around to watch a movie and eat most of our Christmas day treats! 

It was a great day and I'm looking forward to this years already!

 What are your Christmas day traditions? Did you write a blog post about your Christmas? Leave a link in the comments, I'd love to go back and read it :)

[This week I'm reminiscing in my 2013 Summer Series. I had a great summer but most of it wasn't blogged about due to morning sickness. Here's my record!]

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