Wednesday, February 8, 2012

In The Spotlight

Every now and again my roving spotlight will come to land on a particularly clever blog. Or perhaps witty, honest, colourful. This new to me blog will become my must read, any new posts are quickly clicked upon and enjoyed as I am so eager to find out what new words they have to share.

Today, my 2 new must reads are in my own back yard of Christchurch, New Zealand. They happen to be dear friends, and they happen to both have taken up blogging recently all upon their own accord.

Let me introduce them to you...

HollyMayB has been in my life for a little over 4 years. She is a strong woman full of wisdom and insight that I don't possess. We go to the same church together, have coffee during the week, and have littlies roughly the same age. She is ridiculously talented when it comes to the crochet hook or the sewing machine. Seriously. She makes everything look so effortless and professional. I am thoroughly jealous of her in that department! (!!!!) Holly's blog is full of everything wonderful. Her sewing, crochet, son, marriage, environment. Everything is shared with honesty and a dose of humor and I love to open up her blog and be inspired and learn. (Also, whenever I post something new in my blog and there is a typo or spelling mistake I will hear about it from Holly ;) )

My favourite post of Holly's: Mama Love. The hilarious morning of a happy chucker.

Amy the Crafty Fox is such a good friend. She's the kind of person who will think of you when you're off in another world doing your own thing. She will buy you gifts, send you lovely text messages, and just make you feel like a thoroughly crap friend in general because she's so onto it and awesome (and I'm not). Amy was at the birth of my daughter (although she just missed the actual birth) and was a total star applying hot towels, making toast, filling the birth pool and all the other things that she did that went unseen. She also took a fair bit of verbal flack from me and laughed about it the next day :) Amy is a Project Queen. Seriously. Every time she pops up in my blog dashboard I'm excited to see what she's created now. Her and her husband are a great working team, they produce things of the highest creative and professional level around. I adore those two, and I am thrilled that she has started a new blog to share with the world.

My favourite post of Amy's: Re Upholstering. Did you know I was talking to someone about reupholstering my couches and they linked me to AMYS blog because of this amazing tutorial!??! I laughed and laughed and laughed (because it was so awesome) because someone was referring Me to Amy's blog! So cool!!

So please, go over and check out 2 of my dearest real life and blog friends that I have to offer :)


  1. This totally has me laughing out loud! Sorry about the typos - I can't help it! You, Sophie are a delight! :)

    I did notice that Amy's blog is uncannily pro - as if she has blogging in her genes! Amy, you're a legend.



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