Monday, September 9, 2013

Meet The Sisterhood: Deb

The Sisterhood is made up of so many beautiful women, many of whom have been with us since the very beginning. I wanted to introduce them to you as they mostly stay under the radar and behind the scenes but they are so very important to me!

I've asked them all a few questions, and they replied! I hope you enjoy getting to know a few more Sisters! (I'll be posting these interviews each week. Make sure you leave a comment and some love for them!)

Introducing Deb!

Deb is quite possibly one of my favourite human beings. Probably because she does lots of "being. She's always got her hands busy, furthering her mind and bettering her family, she's also incredibly honest and wise. You can find all of this on her blog, Deb has been so generous to The Sisterhood, and also to my own family. She's responsible for the Kindness Quilt, along with other things that fill our home with Love. I've met Deb and her whanau a bunch of times and I consider it an honour to know her and call her a Sister and Friend.

How did you first hear about The Sisterhood

I heard about the Sisterhood through Sophie's blog. It just seemed like an amazing idea. I've done a few wee things to help, but then the Sisterhood did a huge big thing for me and raised the money for me to deliver a quilt. It blew me away, and really showed me what it feels like to be blessed in this way. It's amazing.

What initially made you get involved? How did you get involved?

I love the idea of all of us doing a little bit and making a difference. I was desperate to do something but I didn't have time to make anything, and so I brought some little items that could be included in the packages.

How did that make you feel?

It is so lovely to be a wee part of something big, and to have it make a difference for others.

What is your favourite part of The Sisterhood?

I love the secrecy, I love how the packages just turn up and bless someone. It's awesome.

What would you like to see us do in the future?

I think it would be awesome if we could leverage from our talents and raise a wee bit of money to use in the Sisterhood. Something like a recipe book where we all put in our wee bit and behold a book that earns money to bless other women. How cool would that be???

If you want to make friends with Deb, you can find her here:

I blog at, and you can find me on Twitter as debworkprogress 

Want to meet more?
Angelas Interview
Hazels Interview


  1. For the record, Deb gives the best hugs in the history of the world. Love the idea of a recipe book!

  2. anyone who doesn't love Deb clearly hasn't met her. She is a true woman of strength and I agree with Ange 'juicy bosom hugs'!!!


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