Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Yesterday I had phone calls and texts telling me The Sisterhood had been published in The Press and on the Stuff website!

First of all, I wasn't even aware that people still read print media - for that I am thrilled! Go you paper readers! Print is not dead!

Secondly, I was also thrilled that The Sisterhood had some publicity! 26 Sisters gave to our most recent LOVE BOMBs. I am over the moon for them because that article is like a little bit of recognition. Most of these ladies don't know me, most of them haven't met me, they get very little recognition for their generosity and I struggle to express just how thankful I am. Hopefully this article can stay thank you to them. Sisters, buy a news paper, cut out the article, stick it on your fridge and tell everyone "I am in The Sisterhood!"

Celebrate. You are doing good. You are living life well and its okay to be proud of that. Be proud of what has been achieved because God is proud of us. Just like how you would be proud of your own son or daughter achieving something, so is He.

At first I tried to hide from it, honestly, it was a little overwhelming. People kept telling me how well I had done. What was just a little article lead to thousands of blog views in one day, a lot of emails in my inbox from well wishers, new sisters, older sisters, from people wanting to share others stories, from people wanting a hand out or two. I felt my head beginning to swell and my heart beginning to race.

By noon I realised that was silly, I was just me, Sophie, and I had spent the whole morning on the computer and I had to get out of the house. I shut up shop and headed to the mall with my beautiful daughter who is willing to sit in her pram for a whole afternoon while her Mama shopped. Isn't she a delight? She is actually so patient like that. She goes anywhere and does almost anything so patiently. *brag*

Milla looked on while I found things to spend my Westfield voucher on. Hubby and I are taking part in a Canterbury students research paper on how the earthquakes have effected couples relationships in Canterbury. For the last part of the research we had to keep a small journal for two weeks each and send it in, and in return we got a $50 Westfield voucher! Score! So as you can tell, I had free money to burn (which is a rarity). I ended up buying some new Natio make up (new foundation and blusher), new Natio cleanser and a little cheapo outfit for Milla in the spring time. Sorry Mr Moo, you didn't get anything in this shopping trip!

We ate rice-balls, lollies (just me, not her) and perused the daily paper where we found our little article!

When we got home with the hubby we declared we must pop a bottle of wine open to celebrate being published and also having paid off one of the hubbys credit cards from pre-marriage! Hoorah!! PARTY TIME!

We never did open that bottle and settled for just juice instead. It was a long day.

Today I have already had a phone interview with a womens magazine and taken a bazillion (bad) self timed photos of myself (how do fashion bloggers do it!?). I think when Milla is up from her nap we're going to go buy a chocolate bar. Yes. That's it.

If you have read the article, thank you! As usual I will continue to post the rest of the LOVE BOMBs once I am sure they have been received. 2 more are still in transit as they are rural deliveries. Keep your eyes peeled!

If you're new around these parts why not leave a comment and introduce yourself?


  1. I'm new & read your article online! Very cool! Stoked to be part of the Sisterhood. Cat xxx

    1. Hi Cat! Thank you so much for reading and responding! I saw you joint our FB page! YAHOO!

      Onwards and upwards!


  2. Whoop!! That is really awesome! An idea whose time has come Sophie

    1. Whoop! Thanks Miriam! Just realised this would be the first you're hearing about it, you non facebooker ;)


  3. Great story to read, very pleased for you Sophie. How do I join the Sisterhood? Catherine Beddoes

    1. You're in! http://www.sophieslim.blogspot.co.nz/2012/05/sisterhood-how-to-belong.html

  4. Yay Soph! If you need any admin/organizing/reading and sifting through emails just let me know! Love the new earrings and necklace too! Very posh! Go you for celebrating!

    1. Hehe thanks Amy! Needed to put something on for the photos this morn! x

  5. Woohoo Sophie! I know you don't want any credit, but you're doing a great job! Don't let it overwhelm you, keep praying for it and about it and keep it up! Go sister, go!

  6. Ha ha i just saw the article on stuff and thought "i must tell sophie'!!! Old news!!! How fab for the sisterhood hope you get lots more women joining in x

    1. ps I LOVE your round photo-PLEASE do a tutorial on how to do that (or is it photoshop?)x

  7. I received mine last night! I am so touched and blown away to be a recipient! Great to see that this endeavour is getting the recognition it deserves :) Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou :) You and the sisterhood have made me feel like one very special lady... you can read my post here http://hootnz.blogspot.co.nz/2012/06/ive-been-love-bombed.html

  8. Oops I thought I had commented on this post already! but no...
    SOOOO excited for you and the Sisterhood (and wearing my badge PROUDLY)
    P.S. I don't think we get the Press here :(


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