Thursday, July 5, 2012

Laying My Burdens Down

Flowers from a Sneaky Sister - Thank you!

My heart stopped again.

Ten ladies. Ten ladies who I have never met. Whose stories and lives have touched my soul. Their stories and lives have reached out to me and changed me for the better.

For me its so easy to forget what goes on in other peoples lives. I'm a self focussed kind of person, I naturally assume other peoples lives are just like mine.

The Sisterhood reminds me that we are all completely different. Different lives, backgrounds, hopes and dreams. Everyone is going through something different.

When I hit that publish button on the post that is going to tell you that we are raising love bombs for these ten ladies, I hope that you will see it too: See the real people behind those fake names. I hope you will see that we have an opportunity to create some smiles, bring some joy and share some love.

And after I hit that publish button, for a moment my life falls down. I think I have over committed and there is no way I can pull this off and I hear my Father say to me "I have this" and I see my Sisters say "We want to help" and I know that what we are doing here is something incredible.

Over these last few days I have been letting go of the pressure that I feel to perform. I am practising leaving results in the hands of God while I do the best that I can and use what he has taught me so far.

Also, I have also been letting the stories go to him.

My inbox has been full of tragic stories this week. Ones that would make me go "Where were you God?!" Instead I have been saying "Here you go God". Handing over peoples lives to Him, their anguish and pain, their disappointment, has been a huge relief to me. Their burdens are not ones that I can carry but I can point them in the direction of Him. I am thankful that He listens.

I'm so glad I am doing it with Him. I couldn't imagine it any other way.

This may all be a bit waffley - There is a lot of my mind right now (in a good way)

My thoughts after I hit publish on the last LOVE BOMB
This round of LOVE BOMBs


  1. how blessed you were!!
    I can see you are a loving daughter of God

    2 verses come to me:-
    And looking at them Jesus said to them, "With people this is impossible, but WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE."
    -Matthew 19:26
    Luke 1:37

    you are amazing!! and I pray that we can brighten these womens lives :)

  2. Sophie you are so right/wise about having to hand these burdens of care over to Him.
    We can't carry it. It will crush us, all that pain our eyes are being opened to.
    He has to carry the heavy end of the load. And He can. And He will.


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