Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Preparing To Send The LOVE BOMBs

Assembling the LOVE BOMBs

Once again we are preparing to send out another round of LOVEBOMBs. What started out as 10 deserving, hardworking, loving ladies turned into creating 15 LOVEBOMBs! Once again, your generosity surprised and amazed me. 

We weren't able to get a postal address for "Minnie" so she was taken off the original list and 6 more ladies were added to our Bomb campaign.

I try and tailor the bombs to the ladies, each nominator has given me a few clues as to what they might like, appreciate or need. Therefore, all of the bombs are different and cater to different ladies. 

I hope you will understand that while they might look different sizes, hopefully each will be exactly what that lady needs!

In fact, as I was making them up, I discovered we were in excess of a lot of products. I decided to keep them to a reasonable size (a large shoe box) and save the left overs for our future bombs (so as to avoid giving each lady a whole lot of double ups just for the sake of it).

For full transparency, this is what is left over from this round of bombs (along with $24 in the bank)(we spent $195 on facial and grocery vouchers and extra specific items (like size 8 slippers) and donated $100 to one of our nominees surgery fund) 

If you can see your donation here: THANK YOU. Thank you so much for sending these ladies something. I can assure you, your gift will definitely be sent to our next round of nominations.

Each of our original 9 LOVE BOMB ladies were sent two handmade cards - the owl one has a sweet message inside and the owl pops out and can be used as a book mark - genius!

The yellow card contains an encouraging prayer or prophetic message that one of our Sisters wrote for each specific lady without knowing their circumstances.

Over the next week I will be posting each LOVE BOMB on my blog and linking it to our Facebook page, I hope you will take the time to stop and look and have a little read and marvel at what can be achieved when a whole lot of people join together something little to create something large!!

For the 50+ people who sent something to contribute (double our last bomb!) THANKYOU.

I am continually amazed that a stranger would go out of their way to love another stranger. That's you. You are those people. 

Thank you for making this world a better place.

Love you all,

p.s - I can't wait for you to see what we've done!!


  1. That is amazing to see what is left over!!

  2. Wow, 50+ people sent stuff in?? That's awesome, and just goes to show how amazing this all is xx

  3. I can't wait to see either!!!! Soooooo exciting Sophie :) And if that is the pile of left overs I can only imagine what is inside those shoeboxes!!! Loving the love out there and your amazing amazingness :)

  4. Amazing work Sophie
    I've been shopping today and have stuff ready to send you for the next love bomb

  5. Sophie that is SO fab.
    I was raving to Rory (hubby) today about the sisterhood and love bombs.


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