Wednesday, May 15, 2013

This Saturday - LOVE BOMB making!

These ^^ are the beginnings of a LOVE BOMB.

First I print off the email correspondance for the nomination, then I highlight all the important bits and print off a large version of the address. 

Then I get to choosing things from our Shelves that I think would be appropriate / have been suggested by the nominator. I bundle them all up together (often at night) and in the daylight hours during a nap time I lay them out and photograph them, write out on the print out what I've put in them, find a box and packaging that will fit (this is often the hardest part!) and tape them up and address them.

A few days later I'll call our Post Haste courier, they need to be picked up on a day when I'm going to be at home the whole day, a lovely pacific islander who doesn't seem to speak much english waits outside our security gate with a big smile will ring through on our security gate. I presume he doesn't know the precious cargo that he carries in our packages, but he treats them like he does and always wishes me a happy day. He looks after our love bombs and makes sure they are delivered safely.

At a later time I download the photos, edit them with the watermark and publish a post with the photos and details of the LOVE BOMB.

The current state of The Shelves. This is them in a tidy state! 

This Saturday Sisters in Christchurch are invited over to my place in Phillipstown at 7pm. We'll have dessert together (bring something if you can) and make up more LOVE BOMBs. 

When I first thought of inviting you over I actually thought I would have made up all the bombs by now. I thought I would surprise you and be like "I'm super woman! I've done them all!" But the truth is I'm not super woman. I'm 34 weeks pregnant, big and tired I need all the help I can get and I can't see me being able to fit in any more time for love bomb making between now and then (i've made up 8... only another 20 or so to go!?) (I will print off all the nominations though. That's important!)

I'm following my own advice and giving myself a break and releasing expectations I put on myself. Instead I'm going to willingly accept your offer of help and kindness, and I'm going to make it as fun for us as possible. I'll lay everything out on our table. You can have your nomination to "shop" for. You can take the photo, you can package them up, you can send them a few well wishes as you attach their address. It can be you and US all together.

Sound like fun? Come and join us if you're in Christchurch. Email me for my address (and let me know you're coming! PLEASE COME!) (sophieATmoo2DOTcoDOTnz)

Details for the biggest LOVE BOMB mission ever


  1. I would love to help on Saturday, Sophie. My email address is: I would also like to bring some food for you to put in your freezer for after baby is born. Let me know what would be most useful: a meal or muffins or ?. I will also pick up the fudge I won and bring over.

  2. I'm SO glad you're being sensible Sophie, and admitting that you are a human like the rest of us! ;) Sometimes the hardest part is the asking, but you'll find yourself blessed by the help you receive. Now go and have a nap! x

  3. I WISH!!! That sounds like a LOT of fun actually, totally wish I could be there xx


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