Monday, August 29, 2011

Welcome, My Love

Introducing Camilla Louise, born 12.58am Sunday 28th August. 3.26 kgs (7pound 6oz), 51cm long.

The three of us are doing well, the first day of her life consisted of feeding, sleeping, lots of cuddles, a tiny bit of crying, a massive poo and a stream of visitors. Just as it should be.

We are completely in love. 

More later

Friday, August 26, 2011

Pamper & Labour

This time last year I was hosting an event I created called Everywoman Pamper. You can read about it on my old blog on its post here.

I had so much fun (and stress) coming up with the concept, developing it, making it all fit together and organising everything. I was really in my element, you know? (I'm a bit of a control freak)

It was such a pleasure to have 100+ ladies walk through our doors and be treated to a night of manicures, foot soaks, hair cuts, massages, skin analysis and personal gym training. All for free.

I suppose I just really felt the need to tell you that. That once upon a time I didn't spend nights doing a cinderella cross stitch. I didn't spend my day walking to a cafe to be treated to free lolly cake and brownie. I was busy, and focussed, and I did things for other people. Once upon a time I worked really hard to see other people smile. I also did clothing swaps, and conferences, and youth events. And that was just last year!!

But then I got tired and worn out, I got pregnant, my relationship with my husband needed work and I felt like I was working for my relationship with God and I felt a very clear call to focus on him and put aside the "to do's" and the "should do's". So I did that. And its been great. Seriously. My prayer life, bible reading life, my relationship with the One who made me has never been better. I feel blessed to have been able to enjoy this pregnancy and soak in every moment and my relationship with my husband has never been more selfless and filled with love from both sides.

One day I'll find a healthy balance and will be back to putting on events and seeing faces light up.

Yes, I know, I'm in a new stage of life. Enjoy it. I know. Maybe one day I'll be back in the groove.

So this time last year I was in my element, mingling between ladies who were over the moon and so thrilled to be having a night of love. I was over the moon because of it! And tonight, a year on, I sit at home in my pjs with my cross stitch in hand listening to my husband play his guitar while waiting for some sort of sign of labour. It's different. But good different.

Dear Baby, 38 Week Update

Dearest Babe,

Last week we had our second snow dumping this year. I was house bound for days. This week we seem to be having a heat wave - beautiful 20 degree weather. I have all the windows and doors open and the sun is streaming in. I'm planting flowers for you next week. I have the seeds and the soil ready to go. I want to show you what beautiful things can come from almost nothing!

Every night your Dad kisses my tummy and asks if you want to come out and play with us. You haven't yet, so I guess that means you're not ready. One day soon you'll answer your Daddys question and come out to play!

Love, Mumma x

38week + 6day belly. Some people say that's my pressure valve sticking out - I think its my eject button.

I had a midwife appointment this week with my back up midwife. I met her for the first time and she was lovely! She seemed young (in a good way) and very down to earth. If my midwife has scheduled time off (she takes every second weekend off) my back up Wifey will step in and deliver. If I have a homebirth she will arrive in the last pushing moments to assist my main Wifey and lastly if I have a hospital birth and my Main Wifey is available then I probably wont see her ever again. 

Back Up Wifey was lovely. She had handmade socks on which I admired and told me all about her mums new pattern for them she had created so they didn't bunch around the ankle. Perfect. After I've pushed out the baby remind me to ask her for that pattern. Maybe it should go on my "Things to make sure of when Sophie goes into labour" list. 

The Babe has descended 2/5ths down into my pelvis, which doesn't mean much except that its an explanation for all the pain and cramps I've been having. Wifey could feel The Babes position - her spine was going up my left side with her bum sticking out around my belly button and her legs bent and heel sticking up into my ribs. Oh, and he hand was infront of her face. CUTE. It amazes me they can feel that much detail.

[EDIT: As of this afternoon The Babe did a big swivel sometime during a long walk, she's more in the center now with her legs kicking out the left hand side instead. It feels so different!]

Back Up Wifey: "Have you been having lots of practice contractions?"

Me: "None!"

Back Up Wifey: "Oh, well you're having one right now! See?"

Me: "Oh is that what that is!??"

Silly. Now that she pointed them out I notice I get them all.the.time.

I've vomited twice this week, both times came with a rush of excitement. Sometimes vomiting can be a sign of the body emptying itself for labour. No such luck.

As I post this we have 8 days until out Estimated Due Date. Everything is ready and I have a list of things as long as my arm to keep me entertained in the mean time. 

[QUESTION: Does anyone know how to relieve pain from nerves? I have 2 that keep popping and they are so uncomfortable! Sciatica which is starting in my bum and running up my back and another which starts right at the top of my left thigh and runs down the inside of my leg. Any positions or help? Please let me know!

Most of the time I just end up hopping around and wimpering/ gasping until Graeme reminds me to do something about it. Then I try a hot shower or a wheat pack but really I think they are more mental fixes - I don't actually think they help]

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

To Look Forward To

I love the Roller Derby!! It is so much fun. I can't wait until the 2011 season starts up again! Season tickets anyone?! I'm seriously hoping its true that you can take a baby anywhere and we can take her to the Derby. I think on the inside if we couldn't I would be really really gutted. To be honest. I'm still selfish. 

This week my old work has been advertising a hot stone facial special. I miss working there so much. It was such a great environment so this is twofold - I miss great employment and I miss getting monthly free facials. (I know. Free. Jealous much?) Well, I am, because now I don't get them. And I haven't had a facial since. If you ever get the chance, have a hot stone facial. But make it longer than 30 minutes. 30 minutes is far too quick for any sort of pampering to be done! An hour is a good time for any 'treat', anything less and its really just 'maintenance' .

We were reminiscing about the good ol' times that we had at The Mex which was sadly closed after the boxing day earthquakes. We have had so many birthday parties and celebrations at The Mex, it was definitely our venue of choice! The decor, the staff, the atmosphere, the wooden tables, the pineapple and mango margaritas! Devine. Yumyumyumyum. 

Speaking of margaritas... I'd love a red wine. Just a casual "hanging out at home with not much to do late on a friday night while my husband sips a cool beer and I have a nice glass of red and we eat chocolate and cuddle on the couch and maybe watch a movie or two" type of wine. Soon, Sophie, soon. 

And lastly, I can't wait to reach my toes again. I'm looking forward to treating my feet to a lovely soak and exfoliant and a bright blue nail polish I have that's been waiting for the occasion... Bliss!!

[Second lastly, I'm also quite partial to a rice ball...]

9 months really isn't a long time in the grand scheme of things, but as it draws to an end I find my desires wandering to things that are so close but still out of reach (like my feet!). Let me dream, it feels good.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Baby Lists

If you know me, I'm a bit of a Listy. I have lists for everything. Even lists about lists I need to write. I get so much satisfaction out of crossing things off them. You might think this is because I'm administration-like and organised but really its because I'm not. I learnt a long time ago that I had to write things down or things turned ugly. 

My current lists to get ready for Baby:
  • "Things Needed for Homebirth" (Just need to finish making the "birth mat" and to warn the neighbours!)
  • "Things to make sure of when Sophie goes into labour" <- that's for Graeme ;)
  • "Things to get for the Baby" (Just need a cot. Will probably buy that at the end of the year)
  • "Meal Ideas to freeze and extra things to buy" (Waffles, soups, pastas, ice blocks and more!)
  • "Questions to ask the Midwife" (Currently all questions have been answered (and if not by her then by Google)
  • "Thank-You Cards to be Sent" (Have bought the cards and slowly gathering addresses. Want to include a baby photo so they will be sent later down the track. Hoorah)
So far most things have been crossed off most of the lists. I am feeling very very satisfied with our progress. A lot of anxiousness was relieved this weekend when Graeme blew up our birth pool (with his bare lungs!!) we did have an electric pump to use for the job but maybe doing it manually was more manly and satisfying? It was entertaining to watch anyway. We filled it (took about an hour and a half from a pretty low pressured tap) and managed to connect the hose to our kitchen tap. 


**I still need to write a "To make sure of if Sophie goes to hospital" list :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Baby, Where Did The Time Go?

Baby, we will be meeting you some time in the next 3 weeks.

You'll probably be reading these when you are my age - maybe you will have kids of your own by now, be married like I am, or just old enough to appreciate how loved and cherished you really are.

Its been 236 days since we first found out about you. Those silent days when you were kept our little secret, way back then you seemed like a reality that was so far away. We told our families and a few select friends about you and the news was met with tears of happiness, excited dances lots of happy clapping and shouting! We toasted to our future and enjoyed a period of being in awe while you grew secretly inside me, hidden from the outside world. 

You survived a big earthquake when others didn't and your Daddy looked after us. During that first night of aftershocks he layed on top of me and sheltered us. He took us to Auckland and kept us safe, and then on holiday to Australia so we could relax and spend time together. We were so blessed. Days and weeks went by without power or sewage and lots of dust. Friends and family look after us with hot showers, food and company and still you fought and grew. I was so worried for you.

One of your ultrasound scans came back irregular - you hadn't finished growing your spine yet. Silly me probably had the scan a tad too early, I was so eager to see you again. We prayed for you and decided to leave it at that. We really felt so out of control - there was nothing we could do so we tried not to think about it. A few weeks later I had another scan and you were perfect. And you were a girl. We were so happy!! Dad had his "girls" to look after now and he's been doing such a good job! 

Its been a long time since I've seen you on the screen but I've heard your heart beat so many times. Our midwife, Janine, always has such a big grin on her face whenever she listens to you. "She's so strong!" She says in response to your beating heart. You've kicked her in the head a few times when she's been listening to you or feeling for your position. I've stopped hearing you through the sonar, I don't know if you like it or not so I just choose not to. 

Your Dad has a story (I'm not good at telling it) but its of a reoccurring dream he used to have when he was young, and it sounds like just being in an ultra sound in the womb. It makes me wonder if somehow it was a real memory. It didn't sound nice anyway and it made me wonder what you thought about the sonar waves.

Anyway, time passed and we moved into a house on our own for the first time. Up until now we had always had flat mates. The house we are currently living in is such a blessing. Its so much bigger than we were looking for, much cheaper than the asking price, its warm and every room has all day sun. For now it's perfect. Since we've moved in I've slowly been setting up your bedroom. It's not fancy, but it will do. 

When you read this, ask your Dad about what we found in your first set of drawers when we bought them - see if he remembers!

We love living here alone. Just this week your Dad got home from work, put all of his things down, sat on the couch and said how good it was to have a place to "be". Just us. To do whatever, whenever. This is our space and we aren't taking it for granted. 

You made it through another set of reasonably large earthquakes and again without power and water (only for a day this time!) Thankfully, our new home is solid and we are safe here. 

We prayed for our health and safety, and made it through winter with nothing more serious than a 2 day head cold. Your Dad and I get quite ill every winter. I am so thankful that we were spared and I feel so looked after. 

We took a trip to Hanmer Springs with the Hawes'. Your Uncle Adam said to Aunty Tracey that he couldn't believe it was his little sister with the big belly at the swimming pools. He said the same thing when I was all dressed up for your Granddads wedding to Josephine (minus the big belly). Uncle Adam is so adorable with your cousin Shire. I know he will melt when he meets you (but not till after whitebait season!) I walked around the pool complex in my itty bitty bikini - I felt so big and I noticed everyones stares, but I didn't care. I felt so beautiful. I knew what was inside me and it made me so happy to show you off. 

We came back to Christchurch and endured 2 snow storms. I thought for sure you might arrive during the second one when I was snowed in and couldn't go anywhere. Trust you, I thought, to want a good birth story. 

Today we blew up the birth pool, fitted your car seat, tested the hose and tap connections and spent time with Nanny and Granddad Mutu. We are ready for this birth, whenever you decide to come!

Tonight I have been sitting on our couch working away on my Cinderella cross stitch for you and your Dad has been playing his guitar in front of me, making up a new song, it sounds beautiful. I couldn't help but think how far we have come in the last 236 days and how much you have changed our lives. 

The days spent with you so far have been such a joy and they have gone by so quickly. You have been my little girl. Soon you will be apart from me and I will have to share you with everyone else. With Dad, your Grandparents, our families and friends. I want them to meet the girl who has changed me so badly, but at the same time I want to keep you close so I can protect you. 

It blows my mind to think that we will have a daughter sometime in the next 3 weeks. I couldn't feel more prepared and more reliant on those around us. We have never been parents before, everything will be a learning curve. I'm sure we will make mistakes and in hindsight could have done things differently or better, but know that every part of us loves you and wants the absolute best for you. We are waiting with eager anticipation and can't wait to meet the little girl who has already been such a blessing to our lives. 

I know these 3 weeks will fly if they are anything like the last 9 months. Enjoy them while you can because its a big loud world out here filled with snow, earthquakes and lots of pretty things too. I can't wait to show you the daffodils that are blooming. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

To Africa Baby!

Got lots of goodies in a Warehouse Stationary rebuilding sale this week!!

They will be heading to Uganda soon to be distributed by Pastor Rock to the children in their community. You could read more about this here.

Do you have any other ideas of things I could include? Or would you like to contribute as well?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hospitality Love

It was so lovely to go to a friends 21st party at the weekend and experience such great hospitality. I think this family must be gifted in parties because every part of it was great!

There was also a photo booth which printed off automatic photos for you to put in her guest book and keep a copy for yourself! Such a brilliant idea for a party!!


I shared this photo yesterday in my post. Originally it had another photo on the bottom part but we cut that off and left it in their guest book... During the photo shoot a bare bum had appeared next to me without any warning!!! For those who have seen the photo you will see that Graemes arms are still around me so despite popular belief he cannot be framed! You may never know whose moon it is! ;)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Smokes and Pee; 37 Week Hilarity; Dear Baby

I was out waddling walking the other day in all of my 37 week glory when I was stopped by a fellow female and asked if I had a spare smoke for her. I cackled laughed and then carried on my merry way. Looking back now I suppose it was probably rude that I didn't even answer her, I just cackled laughed and kept walking.

But really. Not even if I had a cigarette for her to have - as if I might just have one in my sweatpants. But that I might have a "spare" one. One for me and one for her. That sort of dealio.

Also, I pee'd myself this week. Not just a little like can some times happen if-you-sneeze-or-laugh-too-hard-pee. Like actual, on the ground pee. Pregnancy is so glamourous.

This has probably been the most entertaining week yet!

Speaking more practically, I'm still experiencing the cramps I mentioned last week and 2 nerves have been ready to 'pop' all. the. time. One running down the inside of my left leg and the other running up the right side of my back. These make me jump up and do a little dance while rubbing myself and going 'oh! ah! ee! oooo!" Its probably entertaining to an onlooker. And Graeme.

It always surprises me how quickly I can get used to a new symptom. Last week I was begging anything that would listen to not have these pains any more but now I have adjusted and can do life with them. Since there's no baby in my arms I guess I really have no choice, right? I have discovered that taking a really hot shower really late at night helps. As does squatting on the shower floor while the hot water pounds my back. Also, going to the toilet whenever I get achy relieves some pressure and I have noticed whenever it gets worse I never want to sit down. I always seem to stand and move around. 

I thought our Babe might have arrived during our snowed in days, for the sake of a good story, no sign of her yet! As of this week I am officially "full term" (depending on what country you live in. Some countries count 38 weeks as Full). Meaning she has done all of her text book developing. I think the last thing to develop in utero is the sucking reflex so they can breastfeed when they are born. This comes in during the 36'th week (I think). So from now on she wouldn't need intervention and I would be safe to have her at home. At 37 weeks their growth begins to slow down a lot because the fluid in the womb lessons and the baby takes up a lot of space. Well, typically anyway :)

Since I'm full term I'm going to be closing my giveaway on Friday. If you want the chance to win a free print from Half Full Designs then click this link to submit your guess on MiniMoos due date. The closest will win!! :)

More photobooth photos to show you tomorrow!! How cute are these??

Dearest Babe,

When I was 15 I remember going through my Dads wardrobe to find something and stumbling across brown patterned cowboy boots. They had very very pointy toes and I think they might have been snake skinned. I. Could. Not. Stop. Laughing!!! I thought they were the funniest shoes I had ever seen. "Dad! You will NEVER wear these" I joked. They were straight from the 70's. "They'll be in fashion again one day!" He told me. I didn't believe him, Oh the hilarity! 

It turns out, years later, they have come back in fashion. He was right. What he used to wear as a young man was now "cool". I took this photo of your Dads shoes while we were at a birthday party this week. I wonder what you are going to laugh at us for? Maybe skinny jeans? Skate shoes? Chuck Taylors? Ballet Flats? 

Lesson learned - they will be back in fashion and one day you will realise we were (and are!!) cool too! 

Love you,
Mum xx

P.S - remember to enter the giveaway! :)

Cindy in the Snow

Day two of being snowed in. I haven't left our house since Sunday evening! Graeme has had to go to work both days, they are really busy, but he's just arrived home an hour early! Yipee!

My facebook status from 7 am monday morning:

In the mean time I have had a respark of love for Cindy. When I said I hacked off her lower half, I really did. 

In the last few days I've done most of the blue that you can see. I'm on a roll!! I had a few great emails suggesting I just get a smaller frame rather than doing her embroidered frame and then framing her. I think that's the way to go!

I hope you are all staying warm and happy! :)


Monday, August 15, 2011

Just Resting :)

Hehehe, I've had a few emails today from blog readers asking if my absence had meant I had gone into labour - unfortunately not!!

Although, I'm standing by my hopes that I will go into labour while snowed it. That would make an excellent story to tell the kids.

In the mean time, I have bunkered down on the couch with hot tea and a certain Cinderella cross stitch.


While Graeme waits on me hand and foot :) He even has to push me up off the couch. Its quite lovely really.

I hope you have enjoyed your snow day and for those in Canterbury; turn the heater on! We're in for another 20cm's tonight.

Its time for a hot shower for this preggo. Hopefully that will calm down the cramps and nerve pinches :)

Be back tomorrow with something more interesting!


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Lost Cinderella

Years and years and years ago I was given a prophetic word as to my likeness to Cinderella. I was living a fairy tale life - from rags to riches. Rags being my past sin and the life I had made for myself and my riches being all of the new things I had in God and all they offered.

That afternoon I went out and bought myself a cross-stitch of Cinderella to do. I quickly realised that it was going to take me foreverrrr to complete and I set a long term goal - to have it finished before I had a baby girl. That would give me plenty of years.

Well, years passed and I picked it up every 6 months or so and completed a new section.

Here is the last photo I had of my progress. Although, since taking this I had completed much much more of it. I had finished her hair and most of her blue dress.

Then, last year I had to make a quick present for a little girls birthday. I had little money that week and decided a handmade gift was the best! I downloaded a free pattern of her favourite animal and used embroidery thread I already had.

The problem was, I didn't have any more cross stitch fabric. I made the quick decision to cut off a piece (!!!) from Cindy's lower half (!!!) and reasoned that I didn't need very much, and that we wouldn't be having a girl for another couple of years. I still had time.

Well. Now I don't. Cindy is still missing fabric from her lower half - Probably too much fabric to bother continuing. And Baby Girl is due in 3.5 weeks (exactly 1 year since that gift was made).



Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Good Intentions Tuesday - Round 4

I'm not sure if people are still doing this but one of my last Good Intentions that was inspired by Miriam from Make It Give It blog has come to pass. I finally turned this ball of wool into a mustard scarf. I originally wanted to make a mustard scarf after I saw Hello Fallows.

I liked it so much I'm selling it, in the hopes others will like it too. I seem to get much more satisfation out of giving and selling than I do in keeping things for my own use.

Infact I liked it so much I made another one in an awesome teal colour to sell too. An olive green one is on its way!! 

You can check out my Stitch Africa gallery on Facebook where I am selling everything to make room in my wardrobe (another good intention) and shut up shop in time for the bubs. 

Thank you good intentions. You have been good to me and my home.

Dear Baby, 36 Week Update

This weekend I experienced a painful low pressure and aching along with the occasional "ouch ouch ouch" moment when anything moved inside me. It hurt and it made me walk like an elephant; swaying from side to side. Graeme had to be on hand to help me stand up and to lower me back down. This pain is still continuing now, but the ouchie moments are less frequent and come and go. It feels like she is trying to push herself out of my nether regions. 

At our antenatal class on Sunday our instructor joked with a twinkle in her eye that I had "dropped" and would probably be giving birth this week. Hilarious. 

I saw my midwife yesterday during our weekly appointments and described the discomfort and pain to her. She said that most likely the baby was engaging into my pelvis. She felt where the baby was laying (bum sticking out the the right side with its spine curved near my belly button) and said she couldn't feel the head. This either means she's fully engaged or not at all, apparently. (or our baby has suddenly lost her head (kind of like me this week)).

Not at all = exactly where I was last week, no biggie. But then what is this pain coming from??
Fully engaged = The baby is in position to be birthed. Waters may break easier as there is more pressure on them, but the baby could stay there for weeks and weeks. If she is in this position she is unlikely to get out of it because of my tight stomach muscles (yeyah)

My midwife did not seem to be concerned or troubled at all by this development (So I'm thinking our baby still has her head intact...) and said that she would try and locate her again next week. 

So, here I am in bed, the only place I seem to be able to have some relief from the pains, even though they kept waking me up during the night. Argh.

The trouble is, when people share what they are thinking you start to think them too. Before this weekend I was quite happy to wait another 4-6 ish weeks for our baby to come. I was content and feeling big but good. Now that the idea has been placed in my head that I might have a fully engaged baby I can't get it out! It's all I can think about. Every time I go to the bathroom I'm checking for some sort of labour sign. I know, I know, its really silly. I'm so annoyed at myself for letting these thoughts creep in early.

For those who might be confused, I am definitely NOT in labour right now. Just to clear that up.

What I am is frustrated. These pains could last another month or so. That would be super sucky. I really really really hope they dont. Either they go away, or this baby comes early. 

Any advice?

Mostly, this has just been a rant to vent my frustrations. I know there is no known answer to this. I am going to try and convince myself of that fact today.

Here I am in all my 36 week glory. 

We had Jelly Babies on the ride home from Tai Tapu. Looking down onto my belly, this Baby was in the same position that MiniMoo is in! Yum Yum.

Dearest Baby Girl,

This week you are either ready to be birthed, aren't ready at all, or you've lost your head. Suddenly, I'm hoping for the first option. I woke up in the middle of the night last week with the hugest urge to get clothes out ready for your arrival. I have the cutest warmest outfit picked out ready for your first day in this world. 

See you soon little one.

Ma x

P.s - Have you entered my giveaway yet? Guess the Moos birthdate and win a print from Half Full Designs! :) Click here for deets (This post may or may not change your guess on the date! ;))

Monday, August 8, 2011

6 Family Drives

Family drives, sunny afternoons and raspberry and cokes <3

Did I mention that last time I played pool I sunk 4 balls in a row and kicked Graemes bum? This time I lost miserably. I think it must have been the baby putting my balance off ;)

Yes Mum, I know I should be wearing lipstick...

5 Nails and Chocolate

A girls night was organised and treats were had! I stuffed my face with lollycake and did many peoples nails and exfoliated many toes.

I love girl nights :)

Afterwards, one of the girls came home with me and I did a special french mani and pedicure for her for a university ball the next night. She gave me a block of chocolate (which I have been slowly devouring in the present day) and an elephant button. I love that people give me elephants!!

I also love doing manicures and pedicures. If you ever want one I'm totally up for it. Chocolate would be appreciated ;)

4 Elves and Scarves

Lord of The Rings and crochet scarves and afghans. Recovery.

I am especially thankful for my husbands income today. Our only income. And that I can stay home and recover and grow a baby.

Antenatal #6

Our sixth and final antenatal class was held this weekend at our instructors house. Due to her being sick we had missed out one of the nights and to make it up she has us all over for afternoon tea and had the class in her lounge. That commitment seemed above and beyond to me and it was a really fun and relaxed time.

Newborn Care 101

Sleeping, Bedding, clothing, bathing, nappy'ing, immunising - all of the important 'ing's were the topic of conversations. 

Sleeping - We plan to sleep our babe in a bassinet close to our bed. I'm not really sure how this will work though if her sleeping patterns aren't the greatest. Graeme will still need to be at work at 7.30 in the mornings so I'm hoping he wont be too sleep deprived. Otherwise we may have to make other arrangements. The catch is though, babies tend to sleep better when they are in your room or in your bed. Go figure. Did you know modern western society is the only culture to ever have their babies in different rooms to sleep? Makes you think.

Clothing - We have been given everything we could possibly need for the first 6 months at least. We'll probably need to buy a few warmer things for autumn and winter next year but that's no biggie at all. My mum has knitted some really beautiful pieces and we've been given soooo much. Honestly, people are so generous. If you get pregnant - don't buy any clothes!! I know its so tempting. Some people gave me money or vouchers so I could choose some new items which was really lovely. We've bought her a novelty cow suit and that's. IT. 

Bathing - We bought a baby bath (and change table) this weekend for super cheap off trademe. I feel reluctant to use lots of products on her skin so am going to try and keep things to a minimum. We were shown techniques to bath them. We'll figure it out. FYI - You don't really need a baby bath or a change table. We just bought them because they were so cheap and thought they might come in handy. Baby's are so little you can bath them in a sink and then after a few months you can have them in the shower with you. 

Nappy'ing - We plan to use disposables for the first few months and then use a combination of disposables and modern reusable nappies. We really need to get onto purchasing more disposable nappies (they grow out of newborn nappies sooo quickly) but I think we have all the newborn ones we'll need and we have a stock of reusable nappies ready to go when she's big enough. I like the idea of reusable. I'm all about the environment and saving money. Sure, extra washing - but saving over $20 a week on something that gets used for a few hours and thrown away into a landfill. Graeme put a nappy on a teddy bear while we were there. For some reason it surprised me when he asked if he could have a go. I don't know why, it just did. 

Immunising - My jury is still out on this one. I really haven't done enough research to have formed an opinion. Some immunisations seem like great ideas, others seem dangerous or a waste of time. My general philosophy is that we were made this way, so why inject ourselves with things like that. But then I also think we have doctors and research and science for a reason so we should take advantage of such opportunities. But then, what about drugs that women used to take for morning sickness that gave a whole generation of babies stumpy limbs? Hmmm... Hindsight is a wonderful thing. I do intend to research all the different vaccinations available but in the mean time we have signed up for the Vitamin K jab which they have after they are born and we will also be doing metabolic screening

And so ends our antenatal chapter. Now we have permission to have a child! Infact, one couple from our small group of 5 couples gave birth this weekend just been. 5 weeks early! Anything can happen. 

I really felt like the antenatal classes were so valuable. I highly recommend them. Out of the 5 couples I felt as if Graeme and I were the most liberal when it came to our choices. We were the only home birthing, reusable nappy'ing family there. However, I felt that our choices were also completely normal and didn't once feel like they were unusual. I'm not sure if this was because the instructor was obviously pro home birth and accommodated our choice in every example she gave and if that would be the case at all antenatal classes or not. I kind of get the feeling we struck it lucky with our instructor and class though.

We are having a reunion in approximately 7 weeks time so we can all see each other again and all according to plan meet everyones babies and see how they are all going. This baby journey is so unique for everyone, there is no right or wrong I have discovered, and I'm sure that every single couple will have a different experience to share. 

Big thanks to our instructor, Pam, for an excellent journey and learning curve!! If you're doing any antenatal classes in Christchurch soon I hope you get Pam! Infact, I'd even call ahead and find out what classes she is taking and book in for those :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

3 A Friend

Today was quiet. I took Graeme to work which meant that I can use the car all day rather than be house bound. I made the most of it by going to visit my good friend and pastor, Dawn! She lights up rooms and makes any day a special one. We both went to a friends house to help them move. Silly me still recovering from my epic walk the day before I probably did more damage. I spent the rest of the afternoon in spotlight hobbling around, but it was worth it. I found super cheap wool and took home a few balls to make a few scarves to sell in my Stitch Africa facebook sale.

After work, Graeme and I snuggled on the couch and watched movies :)

Really, a very typical and average day for me, but it was so nice to get out of the house, see friends, sunshine and wool. :)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

2 PJ Party!

You've probably heard me lament many times that I wish PJs were acceptable attire in public. Especially these days.

I discovered today that it's perfectly acceptable to go to the supermarket at 9pm and buy milk and cookies in your PJs with a hobble / limp.

Why was I in my PJs? Well, I didn't even realise I was until I was in the carpark of the supermarket and my legs were a little chilly. "Oh well" I thought and continued on my way. Did people look? Sure they did. Did I care? Not an ounce. Did someone let me go before them in the check out line? They sure did. Did everyone give me a pity look? I think so.

Why was I hobbling / limping? I walked a distance to visit a great friend who works at a cafe near our house (and I got free lollycake and coffee!! SCORE!). Previous walks there have taken me half an hour each way (and I'm a pretty fit walker). Well, it was a beautiful day today and I wanted to be outside enjoying it. Against better "I'm 35 weeks pregnant" judgement I walked, and it took me an hour each way. 2 hours walking. I got home and my hips and pelvis felt like they were about to explode. I crawled into bed and waited for my lovely husband to get home and tell me how amazing I am. That did the trick ;) Ouchies.

Afternoon (and night) well spent.

A Closing Chapter

About a year ago I started turning my new knitters skills into Stitch Africa. You can read one of my initial posts on it here. I was driven by the idea that what little I had could make a big difference to someone else. Family and friends bought my booties, and I was always super excited when someone I didn't know made contact and purchased from me!

Whenever I sold a pair of booties I made another pair just the same to donate to a child in Africa. Earlier this year I adjusted my plan by bringing the prices lower (in the hopes to attract more buyers) and setting aside a set amount for a fund to be spent on a Church over there.

I made contact with Pastor Rock from Bwera, Western Uganda. He's a young pastor with a wife named Deborah and 2 children, aged 5 and 2. Pastor Rock sends me weekly emails telling me about their church services and what they have been doing in their community.

They have 2 services on a Sunday and attract 500 people from all over their region. Rock's emails are always encouraging for me, and I can see that Gods work is being done in Uganda. He tells me the need is great but they do what they can to try and meet it. Last week they had 6 beds built and bought mattresses to give to 6 children who go to their church programs. He sent me a photo and when I saw it I cried. I forget that some people don't have beds. 

I try and encourage Pastor Rock with every reply email I send, but mostly he is the greatest encourager to me. His emails are inspiring and uplifting and remind me of the value of perseverance and faith, something he has a lot of.

As you know, the due date of our Baby Girl is quickly approaching (4 weeks exactly today!!) and I have made the decision to close this chapter of Stitch Africa. So far in the short time I have achieved what I set out to do. In the future I hope to be able to offer more to the people of Africa.

So, I have a whole lot of booties to send them (did you know some children are sent home from the hospital (if they manage to be born in a hospital) without clothes and wrapped in paper??!!) and also through sales I have some money to put towards a gift to send to Pastor Rock so that he can continue to be a blessing in their community.

I plan on sending...

6x single sheets to accompany their beds they gave out
*Lined exercise books
*Felt tip pens
*Small pencil cases
Childrens educational counting, number and gospel books
Lots and lots of booties :)

*It would be great to have these as packages so they can be given to all the kids who go to their programs!

Please let me know if you have any other ideas for things that could go over and also let me know if you wish to contribute to this. Obviously, the more that contribute the better because it means the more we can add in :)

Stitch Africa will be finishing soon and this week on Facebook I will be having a sale on all of my current stock along with some other things I have been creating this week! Stay tuned for more details on this, and please email me on if you would like to donate anything to Pastor Rocks community :)

Much love and thank you for a great year! x

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Dear Baby, Week 35 Update

Despite my clicking uterus, low iron and low blood pressure, this pregnancy is going along swimmingly. Infact, I had another midwife appointment this morning and MiniMoo actually performed (Like usual. She's so reliable!) and made a clicking // popping noise for the midwife. She was so shocked and had never heard of it before! I assured her that google told me not to be concerned. Haha!

Time is ticking now and I am happy with how quickly things are moving. You can enter my competition to guess our baby's birthdate! Any ideas? Frankly, I have no clue. So no cheating!!

Dearest MiniMoo,

I get asked so often if your Dad is "excited" about your arrival. I want to be the first one to tell you that he can't wait! Seriously. He talks about it all the time. He sends me emails with nappy specials and birthing pillows and takes time to learn how to care for a new born. He jokes that you will be the coolest (you will be) and will kick all the other babies bums! 

Every night he takes time to talk to you through my tummy. Mostly he just makes different noises and pushes you in different places to get a response. You kick back for him and then he says "Hey Squirmy Wormey" over and over again. It sounds like a song and he sings it in a really high voice. Then he kisses my tummy over and over again. I call it our three way cuddle. Its so sweet. 

Your Daddy is already showering you with affection and I know when you come he isn't going to be able to stop holding you! He loves cuddles. You are going to be his little cuddle princess! 

Your Dad is super excited to meet you. He's even been writing his own letters which you will read in your scrapbook we are making you.

Love, Mama x

Guess the birthdate and win!

**Giveaway now closed!! Awaiting a winner**

Today (August 3rd) marks one calendar month until our due date of MiniMoo (September 3rd) so I thought it was time I got some interaction happening on this blog with some friendly competition!

What do you win? This lovely design by Half Full Design printed on A3 heavy cardstock and shipped to you. International entries welcome :)

How do you win? Leave a comment on this post with a) MiniMoos birthdate guess. b) A weight guess for good measure* and c) Your email address.

The winner will be chosen based off the correct birthdate and will be contacted via email :)

Some info that might influence your birthdate guess:
  • My last missed period puts my due date as September 3rd 2011
  • My sonography scans put my due date as August 31st 2011
  • My midwife is going off September 3rd as it means if I go late then I have a few extra days up my sleeve before I get any pressure to be "intervened" with.
  • I have had no early labour signs yet 
  • My womb size is perfectly on track for gestation (they measure it and compare it to the number of weeks you are. Typically, if I am 35 weeks pregnant (which I am) my womb size should be 35cm in length, give or take 3cm either way. Currently, it's 34cm. Perfecto!)
  • From 37 weeks I am considered "Full Term" and could give birth any time from then to 42ish weeks. They bang your due date in the middle.
  • Statistically first time pregnancies run past their due date

For Funsies, the weight guess:

  • My pre-pregnancy weight was 65kgs. I lost 5kgs in the first trimester and now weigh in at 73kgs. Total gain: 8kgs.
  • I'm tall, like, 5'11".
  • Graeme is tall, like, 6'
  • I dont know how much I weighed as a baby but it was nothing out of the ordinary.
  • The average weight for a new born is 7.5 pounds. (3.4kgs) 

Leave a comment with your name, guesses and email address! Good luck :)

*Good measure - Get it? Too funny.
**please note: Half Full Designs has not sponsored this give away but they have consented to it**

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