Friday, August 10, 2012

Sunshine and Oxytocin

Circa September 2011 - 4 days post baby

As I type it is 4pm on Thursday afternoon, I am full of coffee and cheesy scone, laying on our bed with brand new sheets and soaking in the sun. Sunshine that is filling our room and reaching my bones.

It feels so good.

I can't help but think about this time last year (almost) with my new baby, my memories are filled with sunshine and milk. That is mostly all I remember. Sitting in front of our large sliding doors on the floor soaking in the sun while guest sit on the couches, eating my lunch each day in the sun (on the floor), hanging out flannel after flannel on our clothes horse in the sun, wearing my summer PJs, laying on our bed with our new baby as she is fast asleep.

Sunshine. I love it.

It brings me memories of cuddling a naked Milla in the sun for her jaundice, waking up every morning and putting a naked Milla on a bare chested husband so they could bond. Oxytocin, I'm a big believer.  Oxytocin and sunshine together, why, that could heal almost anything! 

So with sunshine and oxytocin I have wonderful new born memories, and this time of year is bringing me back to them. 

Its hard to believe those memories are real life. I am so lucky.

This week I have had a gastro bug and have been suffering through night after night of a waking screaming baby. She has learnt to scream instead of cry, and she screams the house down. I have been tired to say the least. 

This sunshine is filling every part of me with goodness. 

I love it.

Joining in with Things I'm Loving


  1. Sorry to hear of the bugs that have hit your home ;'(
    Congratulations on the first year of parenthood xxx
    Love and Light from Me to You xx

  2. :) about the sun and oxytocin - you're so right!
    :( about your tummy bugs and screaming bubba; hope you have a better weekend xxx

  3. oh i LOVE sunshine, I could bask all day in it, that is one of the things I dislike about my job, I go to work in the dark and only have an hour or two of light left in the evenings when I get home. One of our priorities of a new house is to have lots of sunny rooms :)

    One whole year (nearly) far out!

  4. Sunshine...I crave it especially in the winter when it's so fleeting....I too believe there's not much a sunny day can't fix :-) Hope you're feeling better xx

  5. Tummy bugs - yuck, yuck, yuck
    hope the weekend is quiet and well xx

  6. This is such a beautiful post (apart from those nasty tummy bugs - shoo, shoo, be gone!).

    I totally relate about the sunshine - oh yes, we had some today and it definitely helped me body and soul :) x Hope you have a great weekend.

  7. Sunshine in the winter is the best. x

  8. yay for sunshine. It really feels more like spring already than winter (up here in Auckland at least).
    Ugh to the gastro bug and screaming midnight wakings.
    Hope the next week is better (and full of sunshine)


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